Ghoulardi4u: The Yellow Ice Story

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Yellow Ice Story

Ever see something yellow on your ice and wonder what it is?

Well I did.


I tend to go out during the afternoon to do research at the office.
By research I mean "socialize".
By socialize I mean I might be imbibing a beverage or two.

My beverage of choice is good old America beer.

I always order two of these tasty drinks at a time and put them in a large mug.
It also keeps the bartender (I mean fellow office worker) happy because they don't have to wait on me as often.
I also add ice to the mug because I like my drinks cold.

Anyhow I was sitting in the "office" (take that any way you want) and noticed something yellow on the ice that was in my drink.

I reached down to pick the offending ice cube up only to find out...
it was a reflection of the liquids I was pouring down my throat.

Boy did I feel dumb.

Thee End

Peace and love,
Thee Rob

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