Ghoulardi4u: January 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Hoolihan and Big Chuck All Stars Memories - The Schick Electric Razor

This happened while seeing the Hoolihan and Big Chuck All-Stars basketball team back in the early seventies.

I'll be honest with you. I don't have many memories of the game itself.

But I do have some memories of the Schick Electric Razor.

It took place at the Saint Mary's High School gym here in Sandusky, Ohio.  At least I think it took place there, maybe it was across the street at the Jackson Junior High gym (it sucks to get old and start forgetting things...).


At halftime of the game they were giving away various prizes. If you happened to notice the title of this post (and if you're reading this you must have) you can probably guess what happened next. 
It seems to me that Big Chuck was calling out the names of the winners. It was rather cool to here him say out my name as the winner of an...electric razor!

One thing I do remember is seeing my cousin, who was also at the game but sitting on the opposite side of the stands from where I was - but still within plain sight - putting his hand to his face and doing a "shaving motion" towards me. He thought that it was comical what I had won (or maybe it was comical because of what I had won).

The fact of the matter is I wasn't old enough to need to shave yet.

After all these years I still have that same case the razor came in. The photo shown is of that very case.

Don't remember what happened to the razor itself. I probably burned it out after I did get old enough to shave, which is kind of ironic because I have had a beard for a looong time.

Heck of a way to have a memory of the Hoolihan and Big Chuck All-Stars, isn't it? How many other people can say they have a memory like that?

It was also an enjoyable time. The Harlem Globetrotters had nothing on these guys.