Ghoulardi4u: October 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Writer's Block Stories - Who Cares What You Think?

Isn't writer's block a bitch?

Had a good time at the "office" *
this afternoon and had this brainstorm while I was "in the zone" there.

I was thinking that the things that were making me laugh would make for an entertaing story.

I was going to call it "Things I like".

In fact the original title of this post was "Things I LIke".

Sat down at the keyboard raring to go (when I got home) and share this great human experience.

Couldn't think of anything I was thinking about earlier.

Then I thought...


Who the hell's going to give a shit about one person's things that he likes?

There are billions of people out there.
Who is this guy to write about stuff he likes?

I'll be completely honest with you - if I happened to see an article (post, whatever) that had a title like "Things I like" - I wouldn't read it.
I don't care who wrote it, be it a celebrity, sports figure, etc.

(Maybe if it was someone I knew personally that tends to entertain me I would check it out.)

So I went off on a tangent.

All of my good ideas from earlier went down the toilet.
Sat down to write about things I liked and couldn't think of anything.

I started writing anyway.

First I kept changing the title of this post.

At first it was

"Things I Like - By the Curator of Cool Stash and More"

then it was

"Tried to Think but Nothing Happened"
(LOVE the Three Stooges - guess you got to be a Stooge fan to appreciate that one there.)

after that

"Writer's Block Story - By the Curator of Cool Stash and More"
(Yeah, I'm a curator.)

Finally settled on the title you see above. Figured the combination of "writer's block" and "who cares what you think" would at least get some of the teeming masses curious.


Experiencing the dreaded WRITER'S BLOCK thing again.

Don't know how to end this.

Peace and love,
Thee Rob

* Term used loosely
(see above - 2nd line)